Friday, February 13, 2009

Center for the Handicapped - 08 February

The Center for the Handicapped is a flagship project of the Rotary Club of Kandy. This facility provides prosthetic limbs for amputees at no charge to the patient. The limbs, primarily legs, are fabricated on site. The patient visits once for initial fitting and then returns for at least two weeks after the limb is fabricated for custom fitting, physical therapy, and training. The facility can house up to 20 people at one time. Amputees are victims of accidents or land mines, casualties of the war, or lost their leg due to improper treatment of diabetes. Presently the center has a waiting list of over 400.

By US standards it is really inexpensive to provide an artificial limb to an amputee in Sri Lanka - US$180 for a below-knee limb and $370 for an above-knee limb. Check out the Center's website for more information and to find out how you can contribute

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