Sunday, February 15, 2009

Sigiriya Rock - 15 February

Our hosts today are the Rotarians of the Athugalpura Rotary Club. We are staying in at the Blue Sky Hotel in Kurunegala in the Northwestern Province. Rtns. Smag, Chinthaka, Shanaka, and Tilak are our guides to two must-see spots in Sri Lanka's Cultural Triangle - Sigiriya Rock and Dambulla Caves.

Sigiriya means "lion's rock" and it gets its name from what must have been a very grand and ornate main entrance shaped like a lion. All that remains today are the lion's paws at the foot of the entrance.

Sigiriya Fortress was built in the late 5th century AD during the reign of King Kassapa. The rock rises abruptly from the flat plains around it. It is 1,200 feet tall and sheer on all sides. At some points the cliffs overhang the base - a very secure location for a fortress. The king built a rather extensive palace on the top. Cut into the top are cisterns that were used to retain water (they still do). The lion's gate mentioned above is situated mid-level on the rock and at the base the rock is surrounded by moats, ramparts, and large terraced gardens.

Two interesting features of the site are the frescos painted on the sheer walls of the rock and the mirror wall. Only 23 of the original 500 frescos remain. Those missing have been destroyed over time by the elements. Those that remain were painted on overhangs that were protected from weather. The mirror wall is located between the base and mid-level and it was created by the king so that frescos would be visible on both sides of the path up the rock. Even though age and graffiti have dulled its surface you can still see reflections in the wall's porcelin surface.

1 comment:

  1. Jen,
    There is a luxury hotel with a very close view of the Sigiriya rock. No wonder it is called Sigiriya Hotel. This is the hotel that I mentioned to be the award winning Sustainable hotel.
    This place looks really gorgeous!
