Thursday, February 5, 2009

Obama People - 30 January

We spent Friday night and most of Saturday morning enjoying a band called Wildfire at a pub called The Keg. Wildfire is definitely a local favorite. After closing down The Keg we moved on to a club called R&B. It was interesting to witness the Colombo nightlife ... lots of American music spanning several decades, lots of cigarette smoke (at the club only, patrons had to go outside the pub to smoke), lots of dancing – it's ok to dance with anyone on the floor whether you know them or not, and lots of alcohol. These folks do know how to enjoy a party!
Now for the title of this entry. I snapped this photo of a billboard advertising a news program on the way to The Keg. Folks in Sri Lanka are wild over Obama. It's the single most asked question I get – “What do you think of Obama?” A complete stranger in the street asked if we were Americans and when we said yes he exclaimed “Good People, Obama People!” I've seen the text of his victory speech posted on billboards. It is an understatement to say Sri Lankans hold great hope in Obama.

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