Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Ceylon Motor and Yacht Club - 27 January

Our hosts very nicely arranged a rest day for us before starting us on our official duties. Rotarians from the Colombo Uptown Rotary Club treated us to a quiet afternoon at the Ceylon Motor and Yacht Club, where my host Hans is an honorary lifetime member. The photo to the right is a view from the club's porch overlooking Bolgoda Lake. We enjoyed a fine lunch of Chicken Lumprise - a mildly spicy dish of rice, chicken, egg, brinjoles (similar to eggplant), a fishball, and katta sambol (the spicy stuff). Then Hans took Lynsey, Tim and I on a quick motor boat ride around the lake. We could have stayed all day, but we had to return home to make ready for our first team presentation at the Colombo Uptown RC.

1 comment:

  1. Lumprise? Sounds like a convenient combo of lumps and suprise! They get all the good foods.

    Sounds like the trip is going well! I can't wait to hear more. I'll print and bring some of your notes to our meeting next Monday!

    Miss you!
